Healthy Skin Needs The Nutrition Of Vitamins And Minerals

     We all want to look our best. Healthy skin makes us look younger and makes us feel more beautiful. In addition to the cosmetic benefits of healthy skin there are other health benefits to consider. Our skin was designed to be a protective barrier to keep bacteria, viruses and other contaminants from entering the body. Eating healthy is a great start to keeping your skin healthy but adding vitamins and mineral supplements act as insurance.

Free-radical damage occurs in skin just like every other part of our bodies. Anti-oxidant vitamins, like vitamin A, C and E are essential in warding off this damage. One of the types of free radical damage is the

Anti-oxidant vitamins, like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are important to healthy skin because it is these vitamins that share in the responsibility of controlling the damage that free radicals, byproducts of energy production within the body and of environmental contaminants, produce. Collagen and elastin, which are fibers that support the skin, are damaged by these free radicals. As these are this damage occurs, wrinkles and a lack of that youthful elasticity begin to take place. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen, making it necessary to the look of the skin and its function. Recent studies have even found that the combination of Vitamins C and E can be used to help repair sun-damaged skin.

Small deficiencies of vitamin A can affect skins health and beauty. In addition to its anti-oxidant properties, vitamin A helps eliminate dryness and flakiness to the skin. This dryness makes lines and wrinkles in skin even more apparent than skin that is hydrated.

Vitamin A’s main use though is as a topical treatment for the reduction of lines and wrinkles and it’s been found effective against severe acne. Recent studies have found skin treatments that include the combination of Vitamin A and C can in some cases reverse the damage caused by aging and the sun.

Vitamin B deficiencies can lead to cracking, bleeding and even skin legions. These legions can be dangerous because they can allow bacteria, viruses and other contaminants to enter the body through the skin. Even a little shortage of Vitamin B can leave skin looking scaly and badly textured. Creams made with vitamin B have been found to hydrated skin cells, leaving firmer, healthier looking skin.

If you’re plagued by dark circles under your eyes, vitamin K has been found to help. Some studies claim that creams made up of both Vitamin K and Vitamin A are more effective than those made with Vitamin K, but research is still being done on this combination.

The minerals Selenium, Copper and Zinc have also been found to improve the look and health of skin. Selenium can be used as a topical treatment or a dietary supplement in an effort to prevent skin cancer. While Zinc, copper and the addition of vitamin C work together to keep skin healthy and firm by forming elastin.

Used correctly by following standard guidelines, vitamins and minerals can be a great way to keep skin looking young and healthy. The key is to recognize that these are powerful substances and care should be taken to use the proper dosage. Not following guidelines could result in effects that can result in serious side effects. Used correctly though, vitamins and minerals can be a welcome addition to your beauty regime.